Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor AKA’J.A.M. Aiwuyor’ AKA “Thirsty Tweeter” is still at it.
Thank you to everyone that attended! I couldn’t see the chat but I’m thankful for such a great turn out and support from the Pan African community.
I wrote this quite some time ago about Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor AKA ‘The Thirsty Tweeter‘. It has just come to my attention that she still at it so, it is time to update this article.
J.A.M. Aiwuyor is still on those social media streets proving that her thirst and need to put down Black people knows no bounds.
Shout out to Dr. Merretazon. I’ve had some interesting back and forths with him on Twitter. He is wrong in my view in terms of peoplehood, history focus and has the mentality at the root of what has marginalized and excluded many from the reparations movement for years.
However, unlike the “The Thirsty Tweeter” his heart at least, is in the right place.
As a child of a VET, I appreciate the work he puts in for the VETS. I am personally a student of history and understand that some people just are not.
When Dr. Merretazon is out fighting for the VET’s he doesn’t place any sort of Pan-African requirement on the VET’s he is fighting for because he understands how doing so would limit his base of support.
Dr. Merretazon never has to learn how his limited thinking harms reparations because we are here now.
“It’s been years, if not ever, that Philly hasn’t met any of its obligations to veterans,” Merretazon said. “My anger is based on the fact that we have had to fight two wars. One was in the field of battle in Vietnam and the other at our base where rebel flags flew and black soldiers had the worst jobs. They threatened us with going back to the field with those who were less qualified.”
Merretazon like many Pan-Africans misses the point.
When you intertwine Pan-African history and demands of adherence to Pan-African philosophies with reparations movements, you limit your movement to only those in alignment with those ideas.
No matter how big you want Pan-Africanism to be, the reality is Pan-Africanism is a fringe of the Black US population. Marginalizing Black Americans who do not know or care to know about Pan-Africanism is just a bad strategy that we can no longer afford.
People like my mother and older relatives who know NOTHING about Pan-Africanism can still get hundreds of churchgoers and Frat members to pressure representatives to pass legislation.
Calling your representatives to demand political action does not require one to know about Pan-Africanism or adhere to Pan-African principals which most Pan-Africans don’t even adhere too. Everyone understands basic economics, money, and repayment of the debt which is all the knowledge necessary to take basic political action.
Armed with a sense and desire for doing what’s right anyone can participate in demanding reparations from their representatives. The history is there for those such as myself who enjoy history.
RIP to his friend Dr. Conrad Worrill. LOTS of heated debates with him. Sad to see he passed away. I think he knew his time was short. While debating/arguing with him on Twitter he unloaded an unbelievable wealth of reparations history, which I have recorded here Reparations Time Line By Dr. Conrad Worrill.
Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor, the thirsty attention seeker would love nothing more than to see another generation of ADOS join reparationists of the past at graveyards and senior citizens’ homes while waiting on Democrats to act, so long as it fulfills her thirst for attention.
No, we will dismiss thirsty Democrat shills telling Black people to wait and keep voting Democrat a little longer while watching generations of Reparationist die out.
The way of all flesh
The young and vibrant major figures who were pushing HR.40 along with Conyers back in 1989 that are still around are now eligible for Social Security. And HR.40 has still not even had a floor vote.
Mr. Glover, God Bless him, has gone from this-to-this during HR.40’s time frame and Democrat shills have the nerve to tell Black Americans to just wait. How many more years will it take for the Thirsty Tweeter and minions like her to realize they are being strung along?
Source: Dany Glover 1989 – Danny Glover at HR.40 Hearing.
Democrats have mastered the art of “Benign Neglect”.
Source: Benign neglect policy proposed in 1969 by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
The Diaspora is Economically and Morally GONE.
Nah, we here now and will and simply dismiss thirsty Democrat shills telling Black people to just hope that leaders of the Black diaspora see the light as they lock us out and Asians gobble up Africa and the Diaspora. Shills like Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor are in this for dashiki cosplay, trips throughout the diaspora, bowls of authentic Joloff rice, and retweets.
Generation after generation selling this Pan-African dream to Black Americans when Africans in Africa have a hard time holding on to African assets. It is a distraction from US political engagement. Pan-Africanism was a noble idea that failed. Time to move on.
Source: Wall Street Journal, A Chinese port operator is tightening its grip on a strategic container terminal in East Africa.
Source:, Chinese residents in South Africa have won a landmark court case that will allow them to benefit from affirmative action programs intended to help disadvantaged blacks. The court has ruled, in effect, that Chinese are black people, too.
Source:, Kenyan government risks losing the lucrative Mombasa port to China should the country fail to repay huge loans advanced by Chinese lenders.
Source:, Chinese firms are seeking control of Zambian mining assets as collateral for potential loan defaults.
I can go on for days about the Asian Takeover of Africa and places in the Diaspora but the point is Pan-Africanism is a pipe dream.
Pan-Africanism a failed 120-year-old experiment that dates back to even before the first Pan-African Conference, held in 1900 in London. There is no one to blame for the failure of Pan-Africanism other than the leaders of these African countries. Pan-Africanism is not a new or innovative idea. It’s very old, tired, and has failed.
Back to reality. The African-China debt is immense and there is no mass-scale escape to African countries for Black Americans no matter how many dashikis you put on or what you change your name too.
Pan African Congress
There is no Pan African Congress and Black Americans who Descend from US slavery did not elect any of those larpers. The Pan African Congress list of “Resources” has no African economic holdings. The Pan African Congress is just folks playing dress up in African garb with no plan to acquire assets or feed anyone while hoping there is grant and donation money to be had.
Back to Dismissing Mrs. Thirsty… Too Easy
I could spend a lot of time debunking Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor’s article bit by bit but its honestly not worth all of that.
Hot Garbage Somes it up
Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor’s Article is Hot Garbage. Just another nonsensical rant that was written by a thirsty Twitter attention seeker attempting to parley ADOS traction into attention from haters, Democrat shills, and Pan-African dead-enders.
Ohhh. the Draaaammma. Clutches pearls.
In an attempt to virtue signal and gain attention, the thirsty Tweeter pretends to be under attack. JAM’s dramatic Twitter rants are Laughable. The Thirsty Tweeter makes no policy decisions and holds NO weight with regards to what Black Americans do politically. JAM is no one to “Swarm”. JAM is just another attention seeker to make an example of for the Google search algorithm.
What is this know nothing Tweeter’er Twitting about?
“ADOS leaders have a history of working with right-wing media like NewsMax and the fake-progressive organization, Progressives for Immigration Reform that is supported by white supremacist, John Tanton”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Americans who descend from US slavery can work ANYWHERE we, please
Americans who descend from US slavery aren’t under any obligation to adopt the immigration policy or opinions dictated to us by the Democrat party, Thirsty Tweeters, left-wing, or right-wing think tanks.
Immigration policy is nowhere on the ADOS agenda. Ados Agenda Link
Americans who descend from US slavery are not monolithic thinkers who have one unified opinion on immigration.
Self-hatred, Self-doubt, and Lack of Respect
Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor’s opinion is rooted in her own self-hatred, self-doubt, need for attention, and lack of respect for Americans who descend from US slavery (ADOS). Americans who descend from US slavery (ADOS) are perfectly CAPABLE of examining immigration policy, results, and forming conclusions as to the impact of illegal labor exploitation on Black employment without the help of white puppet masters.
The effects of illegal immigration on Black employment is quite evident. There are numerous studies on the same and Black people have EVERY right to formulate opinions on illegal immigration using ANY sources we deem fit.
Source:, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A Briefing Before The United States Commission on Civil Rights Held in Washington, DC.
Not the BOSS of Black America
Americans who descend from US slavery are FREE to work at, join boards, and speak anywhere we, please. Working at P.F.I.R is no different than working at Planned Parenthood founded by a racist eugenicist, the Biden (Mr. Mass Incarceration) campaign headquarters, or the hateful and racist Media Matters Stink Tank.
Selective Outrage
We have heard the Thirsty Tweeter’s feelings on Taton, who damages to Black families are non-existent while hearing nothing about the damages unapologetic Biden who has destroyed the lives of millions of Black families. Selective outrage. Mrs. Thirsty is a disingenuous Democrat shill who could care less about actual harm done to Black Americans who descend from the institution of US slavery.
I agree with Dr. Cluade Anderson’s PROGRESSIVES FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM (PFIR) assessment. PROGRESSIVES FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM (P.F.I.R.) has a great wealth of information examining the consequences of illegal immigration on labor.
If Thirsty Tweeter claims to know more about this than Dr. Claude Anderson, then “The Thirsty Tweeter” should present her illegal immigration cost-benefit analysis peer-reviewed studies for the world to examine and critique. She has no studies, just tweets.
Dr. Anderson Speaks at PFIR/FAIR
Baba Amos Wilson
Since the Thirsty Tweeter claims to be a Pan African, without ever PROVING it (Because being Pan-Africanism has no qualifiers) or bothering to explain how Pan-Africanism is a viable economic empowerment vehicle for Americans who descend from US slavery (ADOS) perhaps she should listen to what Baba Amos Wilson had to say.
Just hit PLAY no need to take anything out of context or make a darn thing up. As a student of history, I know there is Black Empowerment precedence for everything ADOS has ever said. This is because honest and smart people looking at the same CRISIS can come to similar conclusions.
More babbling from the Thirsty Tweeter
“ADOS leaders want to split Black representation on the 2020 Census and make “ADOS” its own category – which would negatively impact the representation of Black communities, potentially decreasing access to funding and other resources available to Black communities overall.”
Says, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor
What the Thirsty Tweetter leaves out is the idea for a census classification is an idea espoused by N’COBRA‘s beautiful and respected legal scholar Vernellia R. Randall (Professor Emerita of Law Dayton School of Law ).
Source: Vernellia R. Randall (Professor Emerita of Law Dayton School of Law )
Yes, the same N’COBRA this thirsty Tweeter suggests #ADOS ought to be working with has called for census classifications. This is a PRIME EXAMPLE of being so thirsty and desperate to push out an article for attention that research is darned.
Will the thirsty Tweeter apologize to ADOS or condemn N’COBRA’s call for census classifications?
Nah, she’ll just Tweet away hoping for likes from those with Pan-African aspirations that know even less than she does.
“ADOS co-founders claim to be outspoken advocates for cash payout reparations but refuse to support the H.R.40 – Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act – a bill sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. ADOS leadership initially supported the bill but is now pushing for the bill to include their newly presented moniker “ADOS” instead of “African American.” , “This is a frivolous excuse to move the goal post and center the reparations movement on the ADOS leadership instead of the communities they claim to represent.”
Says, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Putting in Work
ADOS activists have worked tirelessly contacting representatives asking that they support HR.40 all while knowing the bill contains obvious errors and inaccuracies. She was not with ADOS shooting in the gym begging anyone to sign that FLAWED piece of legislation and thanked them once they found it in their hearts to do so. Thirsty Tweeters are all Tweets no action.
N’COBRA Co-Chair The ‘HONEST’ Kamm Howard credits ADOS
The FLAWED HR.40 bill has 156 co-sponsors today due in large part to ADOS activist’s efforts. Why didn’t the thirsty Tweeter go interview the N’COBRA Co-Chair Kamm Howard who credited ADOS efforts prior to invoking that organization’s name as a desperate appeal to Pan-Africans who don’t know better?
November 19, 2019. The ADOS DMV hosted the protest at SCOTUS in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Read more @ Variety
HR.40 Hearing
If the Thirsty Tweeter took the time to do real research or simply had asked, she would’ve known and have read the entry into the congressional record during the HR.40 hearing. This is the OPPOSITE of a refusal to support HR40 and is an attempt at FLAWED legislation improvement.
ADOS activists have also worked tirelessly trying to convince our representatives to edit HR.40 and pass HR.40 see #editHR40 & #passHR40 . The thirsty Tweeter lies by omission are nothing more than a desperate attempt to disparage the work of black people that is rooted in her own self-hatred.
ADOS Reparationist California Gov. Gavin Newsome
ADOS Activist Meeting with Congressional Black Caucus Leader Karen Bass
“ADOS leaders have a proposed policy that would require Black Americans to provide slavery documentation before having access to affirmative action and reparations. Many Black Americans will not be able to provide this documentation. Consequently, their “slavery papers” policy would open the doorway to government scrutiny of family records, increased surveillance, and exclusionary practices.”
Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Total nonsense. It is the strange folks at DOAS/American Slaves, Inc. trying to sell slavery papers, not ADOS. No time for this nonsense or their hustles.
Go talk to those folks over there selling the slavery papers. #ADOS activists do not know this guy nor condone his conduct.
“ADOS leaders bash and refuse to work with established Black reparations organizations like the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations (N’COBRA), which has advocated for reparations on behalf of Black Americans for decades.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
ADOS activists have talked to N’COBRA members ad nauseam. ADOS reparations advocates simply disagree on going to the United Nations AGAIN.
The United Nations is a Dead end. This approach was tried by Pan-Africans during the World Conference against Racism(WCOR) in Durban South Africa in 2001.
You have communist/Marxist in your organization also separatist that want to be deeded part of south and Hawaii using United Nations Decolonization committee AKA C-24 hoping to start The United African States inside the United States. Part of the global reparation movement
US Walked out if the World Conference Against Racism.
The US withdrew (Walked Out) of the World Conference against Racism(WCOR) on September 3, 2001, after four days of deadlocked negotiations that did not reach any agreement.
There is simply nothing the United Nations can do to force the US to issue reparations. All the United Nations can do is issue statements as they’ve already done which the US continues to ignore.
Our righteous claim for redress for the losses stemming from the institution of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, convict leasing, mass incarceration, and immigration is between ADOS and the United States Government for its allowance of the same. All of which are clearly spelled out in the ADOS agenda.
If it is not on the agenda it is the personal opinion of the individual which everyone is entitled to have. No one is going to be the social media police stopping discussions they do not like, including Marc Morial.
National Urban League President Marc Morial Making False Anti-ADOS accusations
If N’COBRA or anyone else wants to go talk to the United Nations who lack the jurisdiction to do a darn thing when it comes to US reparations, ADOS Activists wishes them godspeed. #ADOS activist, however, will not be joining them on that dead-end route. We have US Representatives and thirsty Tweeters to deal with.
More lies Pearl-clutching and Disparagement
“ADOS leaders and members frequently attack Black historians, scholars, activists, and leaders through a form of online and in-person harassment called “swarming.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Nonsense! ADOS activists have never attacked anyone. ADOS activists simply respond to misinformed historians, scholars, activists, and thirsty Tweeters. It is ADOS activists who are under constant attacks.
Immigration lies
“ADOS leaders seek to limit Black immigrants from obtaining U.S. visas, similar to the policies advocated by white supremacists that are attempting to stop the “browning of America” by decreasing Black and Brown immigrant entry to the U.S.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Total nonsense! ADOS activists simply recognize the immigration scam and bigotry within the immigration system. The data tells us that these visas have nothing to do with black immigrants who are used as scapegoats by thirsty Tweeters.
Black immigrants receive a fraction of the visas. Democrats use Black immigrants to pull at the heartstrings of Black Americans who descend from slavery while handing out the specialty visas by and large to every country but for those that contain Black people, who also have these skills.
It is a total and complete BS. These visas are not for Black people from Africa, the Caribbean, or any Black nations of the Diaspora.
These visas are political bribery handed out by Democrats at the EXPENSE of black Americans in exchange for votes.
Specialty Visa’s Chart
Source: U.S. Specialty Visa Recipients Department of State Visa Issuance Data
Pan Africanism is Dead Because of people like Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor
“ADOS leaders have stated that Pan Africanism is dead and that African Americans are more closely connected genetically to white Americans than other people of African descent.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Wrong! #ADOS activists recognize that Pan-Africanism is DEAD as a viable economic vehicle for ADOS. It is the countries of the diaspora who refuse to make ADOS concessions to spur mutually beneficial commerce that has killed the idea of “Pan-Africanism”. The entire purpose of Pan-Africanism as per Marcus Garvey was commerce, not to play dress up in African garb.
You can NOT have Garveyism while self-governing Black nations of the diaspora refuse to grant economic and citizenship concessions to other Black people of the diaspora.
As far as self-governing Black nations of the diaspora are concerned, Black people of the Diaspora can get in line behind Asians for citizenship.
#ADOS activists recognize the anti #ADOS bigotry coming from the diaspora. It makes NO SENSE to constantly lay praise on countries who refuse #ADOS Land ownership rights and discriminate against women.
Source: Factors influencing gender-differentiated land rights
Cost of Doing Business in Ghana, which is mirrored by many African countries.
Wrong! ADOS activists recognize the anti ADOS bigoty coming from the diaspora. It makes NO SENSE to constantly lay praise on countries who create outrageous business equity investments requirements for ADOS. #BoycottGhana.
The high barrier of entry and exorbitant rates charged to Black Americans who descend from US slavery by self-governing African nations is completely within their control. These high rates are designed to keep Black people out of African countries while allowing government-sponsored Asians in.
When it comes to preaching the wonders of Pan-Africanism, African leadership is who Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor and other Pan-Africans need to preach to. Americans who descend from US slavery have opened up the US to the entire Black diaspora with zero reciprocity in return.
Wrong! ADOS activists recognize the anti-ADOS bigotry coming from the diaspora. It makes NO SENSE to constantly lay praise on countries who refuse to provide easy paths to citizenship to ADOS with Pan-African aspirations.
African countries who participated in the sales of ADOS to enslavers need to follow the lead of the Akwamu people of Ghana and atone for the transgression committed against our ancestors.
Those concessions need to be:
ECONOMICALLY BASED and consist of land ownership rights and access to citizenship (for those among us who want it), business, and other affirmative action concessions to those of us of the diaspora wronged by their evil misdeeds and deals with enslavers.
Without ECONOMIC and Citizenship concessions it is cosplay and vacationing not Pan-Africanism and has nothing to do with Black economic empowerment.
Background info on Land Concessions in Ghana (Shoutout to the Akwamu, yall tried)
Curtis Murphy knows what he is talking about, Fake Twitter Pan-Africans don’t.
Targeted harassment and smears
“The ADOS movement is suspected to be supported by a strategic propaganda campaign propped up by a large number of anonymous online accounts likely paid trolls – pretending to be Black Americans that agree with their movement in order to increase the appearance of their popularity and gain more followers.”
Said Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
Lies. The jobs, families, businesses, and even churches of ADOS activists are under constant attack from thirsty Tweeters who make up lies to disparage and encourage harm of ADOS reparations activists.
Source: J.A.M. Aiwuyor ignores the abuse of “ADOS” families and children and people use her LIES as justification for ACTUAL ATTACKS
These attacks have expanded past just the lives of the reparations activists and into the lives of their family members and even minors. The use of Anon accounts is to protect families from OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, unfortunately.
Urban League
“Your timeline is the new battleground for voter suppression. A sweeping Senate investigation found that before, during and after the 2016 presidential election, Russia’s St. Petersburg-based troll factory, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), used social media to distract and divide American voters, demobilize the electorate and depress the vote. Russian propagandists specifically targeted African Americans through a wide-reaching influence campaign. Their tactics included posing as legitimate activist groups, eroding trust in democratic institutions, and spreading disinformation.”
Said, Marc Morial, National Urban League President
Marc Morial is a corporate shill/ hater concerned with propping up Democrats via the suppression of any free black speech that challenges Democrats.
Long Story, just know that these shills have been working with Democrats and corporations to sell Black people out under the guise of community outreach for a very long time.
Source, How Black Leaders and Churches were bought off to go along with Biden’s Crime Bill. Clinton Library.
The Thirsty Tweeter is Clueless
“ADOS leaders use the work of deceased Black leaders like Queen Mother Audley Moore and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in their campaigns in order to build trust in the Black community. They use the works of these Black American ancestors out of context and exclude all references to African roots, African identity, Pan Africanism, or anything related to global Black movements or unity.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
ADOS activists ARE THE BLACK COMMUNITY! American Descendants of Slavery got it? Good. This nonsense is just too asinine to really address. ADOS activists are not outsiders of the black community who lack the privilege to discuss Dr. King or Mother Moore. Just too stupid, I can’t even.
“ADOS leaders seek to take credit for all current reparations discussions, including the 1619 Project created by journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones and the recent House hearing on H.R. 40 during which Ta-Nehisi Coates and Danny Glover testified.”
Said, Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (Thirsty Tweeter)
I don’t even know how it is possible to take credit for an article written by Nikole Hannah-Jones or Ta-Nehisi Coates with their names on the articles. What Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor AKA the ‘Thirsty Tweeter’ fails to realize is while writing articles is great, (we write articles all the time) Articles are NOT MOVEMENTS.
Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nehisi Coates are great writers but are not leaders of anything and do not have nationwide reparations movements or anyone anywhere calling and meeting with Representatives.
ADOS has an actual movement and has managed to inspire Black people to become politically engaged nationwide. Big difference.
Since the Thirsty Tweeter brought up N’COBRA I will end this with N’Cobra Co-Chair the HONEST Kamm Howard crediting ADOS for spurring the national reparations conversation while and dismissing the thirsty Tweeter and her nonsensical claims.
To read more about how Democrats utilize minions and corporations to manipulate, bully, and abuse Black Americans who dare to make Demands and think freely check out.