XSwap Protocol (XSP) Price, Marketcap, Chart, Exchange and History | CJsGo

Crypto Market Capitalization
  • Market Cap: $3,387.56 B
  • 24h Vol: $154.17 B
  • BTC Dominance: 58.48%


10.62% (24H)
Low $0.0004080
High $0.0004931
  • Market Cap $1.18 M
  • Volume $78,177
  • Available Supply 2.40 B XSP
  • ATH $0.01451
  • ATH(% Change) -96.60%

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

XSwap Protocol (XSP) price currently is $0.0004934 with a marketcap of $1.18 M. XSwap Protocol (XSP) price is 10.62% up in last 24 hours.

XSwap Protocol is the first decentralized exchange (DEX) that utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) system on the Xinfin network XDC.Its vision is to grow the Xinfin network by enabling emerging projects to enter the market directly after the completion of their development period. It allows and facilitates the swap and exchange of XRC-20 tokens thereafter.The developers of XSWAP chose Xinfin XDC network for the following reasons:Xinfin is a hybrid blockchain platform that is built to modernize the global trade and finance sector through an accessible, efficient and highly versatile decentralized infrastructure solution.Xinfin is designed to complement the legacy financial ecosystem by providing a permissioned blockchain that governments, enterprises, and private firms can use to overhaul their tech stack and power a range of novel use cases.XDC is the coin of Xinfin and it will be used in the XDC Swap as a mediator like Ethereum’s ETH in Uniswap AMM.Moreover, XSWAP wants to utilize Xinfin’s technology, which supports smart contracts and processes 2000 transactions per second (TPS) at the lowest possible fee with an almost instant transaction confirmation of as fast as two seconds.Xinfin is a much-evolved GREEN hybrid blockchain.

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