Pionex Cryptocurrency Exchange, Markets & Trading Volume.

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Exchange NamePionex
Volume (24H) $2,525,177,348.64
26,383.24 BTC
CountryBritish Virgin Islands
Established Year2019
Website https://www.pionex.com/
Pionex Cryptocurrency Exchange 24hr volume $2,525,177,348.64 (26,383.24 BTC). Pionex founded in 2019 Headquarters-British Virgin Islands.

Pionex is the exchange incubated by BitUniverse, which has been invested by top funds with 10M USD. The exchange was launched in June, and is one of the first exchanges which is focusing on quant trading and trading bots. There are 5 in-built trading bots, with which you can auto buy/sell the coins with very good liquidity.

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score