Shipping & Delivery Policy

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Delivery estimates are calculated by taking the estimated shipping date and adding the transit time (the time it takes a package to travel from our facilities to your destination address), based on the shipping speed you’ve chosen.  The transit time is calculated using business days, meaning Saturday and Sunday don’t count toward the transit time (unless we’ve specifically offered a weekend delivery during checkout). Holidays are also taken into account when calculating the transit time.  For some delivery dates, we may provide an “order within” countdown timer that indicates the window of time in which you must place the order to receive your delivery by the date shown. That delivery date may become unavailable within that window of time due to changes in inventory or delivery capacity before you place your order. Your confirmed delivery date will be included in your order confirmation email.

FREE Shipping

Your order will be delivered within 5-8 business days. We process and ship your order in the most cost-efficient way possible so we can pass the savings on to you in the form of free shipping. If you look in Your Orders and see that your items haven’t shipped yet, don’t worry. We may take a little longer than you expect to ship out your order, but we won’t delay shipping if it means we’ll miss the expected delivery date.

Third-party orders

If your order was placed with a CJsGO Marketplace vendor, shipping and delivery timelines will vary. Click the Contact Seller button on the order detail page in Your Account to ask the seller for shipping details.


If you live in an area experiencing an unexpected service delay (severe weather, natural disasters, unscheduled events, etc.), please add at least 2 to 3 business days to the estimated delivery date of your order.
